Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Can I share with you?

Welcome! I am jumping into the blogging world about five years too late. Oh well, hopefully my views and opinions will be welcomed or at least worthy of discussion. I am glad you are here!

I am rather opinionated. I realize that my views are not always shared with others - and that is just fine by me. I appreciate a good debate and different views are always welcome here. When people disagree with me it is not automatically taken as a personal offense to me. Can't we all just get along? Well, no. No we can't......and that is ok with me.

I tend to run to the hot button issues of the day. Politics. Religion. Race. All favorites of mine.

I can also be incredibly mundane. Downright boring at times. And maybe I will share that loveliness on this blog too. No matter what I write, I am sure some of you out there will think I am just some nut. I am a harmless one though. Rest assured and read on.

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