Arizona. Where to start? Where to end? There is
I appreciate Arizona. I like the area. I have friends in Arizona..
Ok, now that I have said that..... Arizona is being run by radicals. Jan Brewer is a pretty scary person. I know she looks harmless, but really if you listen to just about anything she says on any subject you can hear how flustered and out of her league she really is.... John McCain is increasingly horrible. He has changed his position so many times on so many issues, it is a wonder he can remember exactly how he feels about anything these days. And for him to have ever thought associating with Palin was a good idea, well.....any respect I had ever had for him is long gone.
It is not that I disagree with the premise that illegal immigration is a problem. I can understand all of the logistics of such an increasingly tenuous situation. I know that this issue raises its head every so often. Most Presidents in the last forty years have had to deal with this issue in one way or another. I do not think this is a new issue. And I really do not believe that it is an increasingly worse issue these days either. It is ongoing.
There needs to be something done to address the issue. Most illegals are not here to commit criminal acts against the population. They are here to make money and support their families. They do jobs that many do not want to do. They are an important part of our economy really.
The law that was passed in Arizona is not necessarily a bad thing. But, as it is written, it is sloppy legislation with the opportunity for abuse very high. Legal American citizens should not be threatened with this kind of law. It should not be an issue. But, unfortunately it is. And there is valid concern to be weary of this law and how it will be implemented. Many in law enforcement have made the comment that it is not enforceable. These issues must be addressed.
Let's fix the problem.....but let's make sure we do not make more problems in the process.
Right on. I think change has to come at the corporate level or political/legal changes won't matter at all. Until we don't have a supply of jobs that are most easily filled by non-Visa's individuals (backbreaking, underpaid, unfun jobs like housecleaning, picking strawberries, cleaning McDonald's bathrooms), the country simply won't be effective at keeping out the people who will take those jobs. Once again, the buck stops with industry.